Elizabeth Montesano
Member + 2002 + Garden City

Phone Number: 212-266-4120
Email: Emontesano@triallaw1.com
Address: 1140 Franklin Avenue, Garden City, NY 11530
Practice Areas
Elizabeth Montesano, a member of the firm, is a vigorous advocate on behalf of people injured due to medical malpractice.
Ms. Montesano has a deep commitment, compassion and dedication to her clients who have been victims of medical malpractice and suffered grave injuries due to carelessness and negligence. Her legal skills and experience have helped her clients achieve many multimillion-dollar settlements. Ms. Montesano handles all types of medical malpractice cases, including birth injuries, delay in diagnosis of cancer, surgical and cardiac cases, as well as, product liability cases when they involve defective medical equipment. A 2000 magna cum laude graduate of New York Law School in 2000, Ms. Montesano joined Sullivan Papain in 2002. She became a member of the firm in 2011.
“I am grateful everyday to work in an area of law where I truly know that I am helping people to make their lives better while achieving justice for those who have suffered needless injuries due to the carelessness and negligence of others.”
- New York
- U.S. Supreme Court
- U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York
- U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of New York
Verdicts + Settlements
$17,250,000 settlement on behalf of a Suffolk County family of a family of a man who died as a result of mistreated diverticulitis.
$3,300,000 settlement for the family of a woman who died as a result of congestive heart failure, when misdiagnosed with pneumonia.
$3,300,000 settlement for a woman who experienced devastating neurological injuries during back surgery.
$3,150,000 settlement for the family of a deceased man who collapsed just outside hospital doors, minutes after being discharged improperly with a pulmonary embolism.
Negotiated a $2.4 million settlement on behalf of a 56-year-old Westchester County woman who suffered devastating neurological injuries during back surgery. The plaintiff, a woman with a history of back problems due to years of working on her feet as a home health aide, decided to undergo surgery to alleviate her pain. Despite red flags from pre-surgery nerve monitoring, the operating surgeons failed to heed the warning signs of a potential spinal cord injury. When the plaintiff awoke from surgery she could not move her legs and was diagnosed with paraplegia. The case was settled prior to trial.
$2,100,000 settlement obtained on behalf of a woman who suffered two separate acts of malpractice at the hands of Pathologists, which substantially delayed her diagnosis of endometrial cancer.
$1,000,000 settlement on behalf of a young woman whose breast cancer diagnosis was delayed for a year and a half because of physicians’ negligence.
$975,000 settlement obtained on behalf of the family of a deceased man who passed away due to advanced bladder cancer and renal cancer, as a result of a one year delay in diagnosis.
Awards and Recognition
Super Lawyers Top Attorneys in the New York Metro Area – Rising Star 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016
Top New York Settlements of 2015
Top New York Settlements of 2014
New York Law School • JD, 2000
State University of New York at Albany • B.A. 1996
Professional Associations
Westchester Women’s Bar Association, Member
New York State Trial Lawyers Association, Member of Board of Directors
Selected Publications
“Valuing Economic Damages in Medical Malpractice Cases”, New York Law Journal, CLE Lecturer
Community Service
Ms. Montesano volunteers in her community and at her children’s school.
Ms. Montesano is married and the mother of twins. When not at the office, she spends time with her family and enjoys cooking, travel, and gardening.