Erb’s Palsy Attorney in New York City

Erb’s palsy is a type of birth injury that affects the upper arms of a newborn baby. This condition most commonly results from excessive force used during the delivery process If your child was recently diagnosed with Erb’s Palsy, contact Sullivan, Papain, Block, McManus, Coffinas, & Cannavo, P.C., in New York City today to schedule a consultation with an attorney and find out if you have grounds for a medical malpractice lawsuit.

Why Choose Our Firm?

  • Sullivan, Papain, Block, McManus, Coffinas, & Cannavo, P.C., has extensive experience with all types of medical malpractice claims in New York City.
  • Our firm is committed to helping New York City residents and currently works as general counsel to the Uniformed Firefighters Association of New York.
  • We offer a full range of legal services for all types of personal injury claims.
  • Our firm uses a contingency fee billing structure that ensures we only accept legal fees when we win. If we take a case that does not result in recovery for our client, our client does not owe any legal fees.

Why Is an Attorney Necessary?

Any medical malpractice claim in New York must meet the state’s statute of limitations, or time limit for filing. These claims also require testimony from expert witnesses who can provide the court with a better understanding of a plaintiff’s situation and justify certain types of compensation. Expert witnesses also must help establish when a defendant breached or violated the standard of care in each case.

The average person who is caring for a child with Erb’s Palsy will not have the time, money, or energy to handle a medical malpractice lawsuit without legal representation. An attorney not only offers a higher degree of legal representation but hiring an attorney usually leads to more compensation than a plaintiff could have secured otherwise.

Symptoms and Prognosis of Erb’s Palsy

Erb’s palsy is a type of brachial plexus injury in the upper arm or arms of a newborn. The child may face partial or full paralysis, limpness in the affected arm, reduced grip strength, diminished fine motor skills, and many other possible symptoms. This condition may improve with corrective treatments and therapies, but these remedies take time, and a child with Erb’s palsy will likely suffer the effects for several years or more.

If a negligent medical professional caused Erb’s palsy, he or she bears liability for the associated damages.

Collecting Compensation for Erb’s Palsy

When a doctor uses excessive force during delivery or otherwise fails to account for relevant risk factors for brachial plexus injuries, the doctor commits medical malpractice and is responsible for the resulting damages. The damages available in a typical Erb’s palsy lawsuit will include medical expenses for immediate and future necessary treatment, pain and suffering, and any lost income from time the parents had to miss work to care for an infant with Erb’s palsy.

Get Help – Call SPBMCC, P.C. Today

If you or a loved one recently gave birth to a child diagnosed with Erb’s palsy, a medical malpractice attorney can advise you as to whether you have grounds for a medical malpractice claim. Contact Sullivan, Papain, Block, McManus, Coffinas & Cannavo, P.C., today to schedule a free case evaluation with one our attorneys. We can review the details of your situation and let you know what type of compensation you could expect from a lawsuit.