Failure to Diagnose a Postoperative Infection

Many surgical procedures carry a risk of infection. Improper treatment of a surgical wound could lead to infection. Medical professionals have a duty to prevent infections by performing surgical procedures competently in sterile conditions. If you or a loved one suffered any type of harm due to a postoperative infection in New York City, contact Sullivan, Papain, Block, McManus, Coffinas, & Cannavo, P.C., today to schedule a free consultation with a lawyer.

Why Hire Our Firm?

  • Sullivan, Papain, Block, McManus, Coffinas, & Cannavo, P.C., offers a full range of personal injury legal services, including cases for all types of medical malpractice in New York.
  • We are committed to supporting the New York City community and have helped 9/11 first responders with their legal claims and act as general counsel to the Uniformed Firefighters Association of New York.
  • We have helped clients over the past decade secure more than $2 billion in compensation for their damages.
  • We offer contingency fee billing that enables even those with limited funds to secure legal representation. A contingency fee means we only take legal fees when we win.

Why Hire an Attorney?

Medical malpractice claims are notoriously complicated and time-consuming. The average person who suffered from a postoperative infection or whose loved one suffered from such an infection may not have the resources, time, and energy to pursue a claim alone without legal representation. An attorney not only provides a better degree of legal representation, but also typically leads to much more compensation than a plaintiff could secure alone.

Medical malpractice lawyers help build strong cases for their clients, consult with expert witnesses who can support a client’s claim, and handle correspondence with insurance companies on behalf of their clients. Ultimately, medical malpractice attorneys offer the best chance of holding a negligent medical professional responsible for a postoperative infection and securing the compensation owed to an injured patient for his or her damages.

Damages From Postoperative Infections

A patient could contract a postoperative infection in many ways that indicate medical malpractice.

  • A surgeon was negligent during an operation and contaminated the patient in some way.
  • Negligent sanitation practices in the operating room led to cross-contamination or the spread of an infectious disease.
  • A surgeon failed to properly close, clean, and dress a surgical wound that allowed an infection.
  • Medical personnel failed to properly monitor a patient’s vital signs that would have indicated a problem or risk of infection during a procedure.
  • Medical personnel neglected to secure the patient’s informed consent by fully explaining the risks associated with surgery.
  • The surgeon failed to account for preexisting conditions such as diabetes that increase the risk of postoperative infections.

When a postoperative infection arises, the victim’s life could be in danger. Infections can interfere with the body’s natural immune responses, cause organ failure, or lead to permanent disabilities. A patient who suffers such effects can claim compensation for his or her damages in a medical malpractice claim.

Handling a Medical Malpractice Lawsuit in New York

New York places a 30-month statute of limitations on most personal injury claims, and most medical malpractice claims in New York must meet this time limit. New York places no caps or limits on the damages available to a plaintiff in a personal injury lawsuit, so the potential recovery could be substantial with the help of the right attorney. Contact Sullivan, Papain, Block, McManus, Coffinas, & Cannavo, P.C., in New York City today to schedule a free case evaluation with one of our medical malpractice attorneys, and we will let you know how our firm can help.